For my entire elementary schooling, I went to a one room country school on the "outskirts" of Ringgold, Nebraska, located right on Highway 92, between Stapleton in Logan County, Nebraska and Tryon in McPherson County, Nebraska. It was a pretty happy time in my life, filled with book learnin' and prayer before lunch. At recess, playing games like "steal sticks" and "pum-pum pull-away", "fox and geese" when it snowed and building great snow forts when there were big snowstorms. We took great pride in being from District #59 and dubbed ourselves the "Ringgold Gophers" for some reason I can't now remember.
My parents and the parents of all the kids I went to school with during that 8 years, never gave a thought to our personal safety or well being......any more than they would have if we had been at home with them. There was never a fear that someone would come into our little school and harm us. I understand that many, many years have passed since I was a student at District #59. Times have changed for sure.
My heart breaks for the families of the children and teachers gunned down in Connecticut yesterday. I cannot imagine the grief they must feel. I am deeply concerned for the children who witnessed this terrible sick act. I pray that with time, this tragedy will fade from their memories. I know from personal experience that kids are resilient and I pray these kids receive and extra dose of it.
And today, many folks are trying to make this horrific tragedy into something else. A debate. Could this have been prevented? Maybe. However the evil that caused this young man to do something so unspeakable, regardless of his just that. Evil. Is it a mental illness? My mind cannot process it in any other way. Is this the fault of anti-gun laws? Could it have been prevented if instructors were armed? In my opinion, it is doubtful......however, I do believe it might be a deterrent in the future. But on the other hand, what's to stop unarmed people with evil in their hearts from coming into a school and taking the firearms to commit the unthinkable?
Did God "allow" these children to be killed because prayer has been taken from our public schools? I do NOT believe so......however IF prayer was still allowed I believe some kids might grow up a little differently. If God, family values and traditional morals were placed higher on everyone's list, perhaps the world might be a little better place in general. If sick individuals with a death wish were forgotten and their names not publicized so intensely MAYBE it would deter others from choosing something like this.
And yet with all the terrible news we hear every day, I still do not doubt the existence of wonderful, beautiful, loving people in this world. People that can be trusted and looked up to. People who come to the aid of others. Heroes. I know there were heroes on hand yesterday. Most of them are probably not with us today........and THOSE are the people I hope we will all remember. As their names are released, remember them, talk about them. Honor them.
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